These string beans came from my garden, along with the tomatoes, and onions. Buy fresh string beans at a farmers market or in your grocery store in the bulk section, pick out the freshest crisp ones. This is super easy and good for you!

I don’t measure salads. I take what I have and create.  Have fun!

Wash about a pound or two of the beans. Use Green or wax and green mixed. I like to say a handful for each person. Cut off the ends and place in boiling water with a bit of salt for a minute or two. You want to watch them turn color. Bright beautiful green and then take them out and rinse them in cold water to stop the cooking action.

  • Chop up a small red onion into tiny pieces
  • Coarsely chop up a few beautiful tomatoes from your garden or use grape tomatoes sliced in half
  • Chop @ 1/4 cup fresh parsley
  • Rinse a can of chickpeas and mix in
  • 1 small can of black olives drained
  • A pinch or two of salt and fresh ground pepper

Dressing: Whisk together 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, a squirt of mustard, and a teaspoon of honey drizzle on salad.
