Split Pea Soup

Healthy Gluten & Dairy Free Living Channel Recipe Videos Split Pea Soup! This soup is so yummy and perfect for those raw winter days! Chop: 2 Onions 2 stalks of celery 2 large carrots saute in 2 tbsp olive oil until translucent add 8 cups liquid of water or low...

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup I always see the roasted red pepper soup in the cartons in the store and they always have dairy in the ingredients. Here is s super simple way to make your own delicious red pepper soup of your own! As the temperature drops this soup...

Sprouted Mung Bean Potato Kale Soup

Sprouted Mung Bean Potato Kale Soup Mung beans have been part of traditional Ayurvedic diets in India for thousands of years! Highly nutritious, they contain manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc, and various B vitamins. Mung Beans are a high source of...